Wisconsin State Pipe Trades Council

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Published on Thursday, June 13, 2024

Wisconsin's UA-Veterans In Piping Program (UA-VIP) is looking ahead to the Spring 2025 Class

Beginning in 2011, the United Association and Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association established the UA-Veterans In Piping in Wisconsin in order to create direct pathways for the men and women who serve our country to enter into careers in the unionized piping industry. Following nine successful years of training Wisconsin's Veterans, Reservists, and National Guard, the 2020 through 2022 classes were canceled due to the the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

The Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association is proud to announce that the program restarted in 2023 and that we just completed a very successful 2024 class with all 6 Veterans being placed with our signatory employers.

Applications will officially open for the Spring 2025 VIP class on September 1, 2024 and will close on January 31, 2025.  Interviews will be held in Madison in mid-February, and the Training portion will take place in April and May with the On-The-Job portion following.

Interested Veterans can apply for the UA-VIP program by completing and submitting the application that can be found in the Veteran Recruitment section of our website.